Fri, September 18, 2020 2:00 PM - Fri, September 18, 2020 3:00 PM at Zoom
We had Spartans back with us this summer to share their data science stories via Zoom. Our first invited guest speaker in the fall is Sushant More. If you are interested in knowing how he became a data scientist and how he transitioned from academia to industry, please join us on Zoom on September 18 (Friday), 2020, at 2PM EST!
Sushant is a research scientist at Amazon. His work involves leveraging time series and machine learning techniques for accurate product demand forecasting. Before Amazon, Sushant used his data science and modeling skills to mitigate fraud in digital transactions at JP Morgan Chase.
Sushant holds a PhD in physics from Ohio State University. He was a postdoctoral research associate at NSCL/ FRIB before transitioning to industry. He recalls MSU data science club being of great help during the transition and is excited about paying it forward to MSU SSDA.