2019 Women in Data Science East Lansing Symposium

Fri, April 12, 2019 11:30 AM - Fri, April 12, 2019 5:00 PM at Natural Science Building, Room 326, Michigan State University

WiDS Flyer

 Connect. Discover. Inspire.


SSDA is delighted to sponsor this event!


What we are Planning


Who can present? Poster/Lightning Talk

In addition to attending, you have two other ways to participate via a lightning talk and/or poster presentation.

We invite women and underrepresented gender minorities to apply for poster/lightning talk presentations. The gender criterion applies only to presenting authors, not other co-authors. Faculty/staff, postdocs, graduate and undergraduate researchers are especially invited to apply.


See Poster/Lightning Talk guidelines here: https://github.com/rladies-eastlansing/WiDS2019/wiki/Poster-and-Lightning-Talk-Guidelines

* Since this is an inaugural event, we would be delighted to see/hear any & all applications of Data Science to your field of interest, even if it's work-in-progress!

* Priority will be given to submissions who aim to connect and collaborate with other data scientists on campus.


Who can participate?

Everyone is invited to attend, make connections and contribute to the discussion, regardless of gender.

The WiDS Conference aims to inspire and educate data scientists worldwide, regardless of gender, and to support women in the field.

This technical conference provides an opportunity to hear about the latest data science-related research and applications in a number of domains, and connect with others in the field.


REGISTRATION: To attend, present a poster and/or give a ️Lightning Talk, visit http://bit.ly/rlel-wids2019

* Lunch will be provided for registered attendees only.


Event Sponsors:

College of Natural Sciences | BEACON Center | Microbiology and Molecular Genetics |

CMSE | Digital Humanities | Social Science Data Analytics | Business Analytics